The Shooting Skillshare Reshoot

Posted by – February 9, 2009

Defeated by the cold several weeks ago, we are planning to shoot indoors this time. It’ll be this Sunday, Feb. 15 at 1pm.

Craig Macnaughton, who will be leading this one, says: “i was thinking of sharing a few technical tricks (like lens selection), and a few creative techniques (maybe moving masters and center of emotion).”

So, if you’re like me and you’ve already learned some painful lessons like:

  • make sure the lens isn’t smudgy
  • tripods are useful in fighting audience nausea
  • shooting with 2 cameras can cover up your mistakes
  • you push the big red button

…then this is the skillshare for you!

Kidding aside, the skillshare is open to anyone who gets this email who is interested in trying some hands-on shooting stuff, not just directors or crew. Just reply to this or add a comment and I’ll get in touch with the location to confirm on Fri or Sat.

3 Comments on The Shooting Skillshare Reshoot

  1. Sean says:

    i’m in. maybe lisa too.

  2. Rajeswari says:

    Sandra and I will be there.

    I hope Lisa comes!

  3. Darryl G. says:

    I’b interested.

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