World Premiere Photos!

Posted by – May 8, 2012

If you don’t see the pics below or want to share these pics, there’s a slightly edited version for the public over on No Media Kings.

Ghosts With Shit Jobs played yesterday to a sold out crowd in London’s Piccadilly Circus last night. It went really well!

Me, nervously fiddling with my notebook as I wait for the show to begin. (The empty chairs beside me symbolized the cast and crew who couldn’t attend.) As it turned out, I had nothing to be nervous about: lots of big laughs throughout, and two people told me they got teary-eyed at the rewind scene. Great work everyone!

Sci-Fi-London was just an amazing fest for it to have its debut. Here we have programmer Louis Savy introducing the movie with his trademark profane charm. Louis is a real advocate for DIY filmmaking and he and his team have been building a diverse and open-minded science fiction movie audience over the past decade.

Here’s me doing my best to answer the smart questions from the host and the audience.

Even the lobby of the theatre was terrific, a great place to have a drink and chat about the movies.

Off to Berlin today for the next screening, and looking forward to our Toronto debut at the end of the month. If you’re talking to folks not in these towns, there’s still ten days to grab an advance copy for $10 and support our continued theatrical tour.

Thanks to Derek for the pics.

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