We had a great private screening last week with about a dozen folks, people who have worked with broadcasters or distributors or who have sold one of their movies at some point. I gave a presentation about our planned distribution and promotion strategies (you can check out a revised version here, but be warned: it’s pretty hype-laden and includes an unironic “Demographics” slide) and then got some great feedback from the assembled brains. Beyond those presented in the slides, the following additional ideas were generated.
- Run help wanted ads for futuristic shit jobs on LinkedIn or craigslist
- Have a Job Fair in each city it screens in: could be run by fans who run their own booth with their idea of a futuristic shit job
- Involve local businesses: have a panel after the screening on “new ways to make a living” featuring people who make new business models work
- Incentify sharing the clips on Twitter: have Serina award people spam points or something
- The name is cool — make some kind of merch, even a t-shirt, with the name
- digital portals: ithentic.com, mydamnchannel.com and heavy.com, Netflix and Rogers on Demand
- Amazon might be more open than ITunes for digital download sales (ITunes requires an aggregator middleman, and costs about $1500-2000 to get content approved without going through an approved distributor)
- Telefilm has an alternative distribution fund, and they look to fund traditional things (publicist, theatre rental) but it’s also gotta have a new twist to be appealing to them: perhaps something that allows the fan community to vote on which cities get screenings?
- Having a “150% Canadian” CAVCO designation will make it appealing for broadcasters needing to fulfill CanCon laws.
Feel free to chime in over email or on the comments!
Also, screeners have been requested by a number of distributors/broadcasters intrigued by the trailer and one sheet (Mongrel, E1, Super Channel, TMN, Space, Itunes) and they’re going out tomorrow.